1987 Zaragoza Barracks bombing

1987 Zaragoza Barracks bombing

Location of Zaragoza in Spain
Location Zaragoza, Spain
Date 11 December 1987
06:10 (UTC+1)
Target Guardia Civil
Attack type Car bomb
Deaths 11
Injured 88
Perpetrator(s) ETA
Number of participant(s) 4

The 1987 Zaragoza barracks bombing was a car bomb attack by the Basque separatist organisation ETA, which occurred on 11 December 1987. A vehicle containing 250 kilograms of amonal was parked beside the main Guardia Civil barracks in the city of Zaragoza, Spain; its subsequent explosion caused the deaths of 11 people, including 5 children. A total of 88 people were injured, the majority of them civilians.[1]

The attack came just six months after ETA had killed 21 people in a car bomb attack on a Hipercor shopping centre in Barcelona.[2][3]

Responsibility for the attack was placed on the Argala Commando Unit, an itinerant unit composed of French citizens who returned to France after committing attacks. Those involved in the attacks and those responsible for their planning were detained in a number of police operations during 1989 and 1992. [4]


The attack


The attack occurred just six months after the Hipercor bombing in Barcelona had killed 21 people. Following the Barcelona bombing, ETA’s call for talks with the government of Felipe Gonzalez were rejected and on 5 November, the Pact of Madrid resulted in an agreement between the main Spanish political parties to release a joint statement rejecting the legitimacy of ETA to speak on behalf of the Basque people and ruling out negotiations until the group had formally disarmed.[5] The Zaragoza attack was accordingly interpreted as ETA’s response to the Pact of Madrid and occurred while ETA was under the leadership of the Artapalo group. This leadership continued until 1992 and the era was marked by some of ETA’s deadliest attacks.


The Guardia Civil barracks, situated on Avenida de Cataluña, was a four storey building, without special protection. It housed 40 families of Guardia Civil members for a total of 180 people.[6]

The attack

At 06:10 on the morning of 11 December, a Guardia Civil officer stationed at the entrance to the barracks noticed 2 men parking a Renault 18 in front of the building. When he approached them to inform them that they were not allowed to park vehicles in front of the building, they fled. Suspecting an imminent attack, the officer rushed back to the barracks to raise the alarm. The ETA militants escaped from the scene in another vehicle which they had parked nearby.[7] Before the officer had had time to wake those sleeping in the building, the 250 kg of amonal exploded, causing a huge hole in the wall and the instant demolition of all four floors. The blast also hit neighboring houses.[6] Members of the Red Cross, security forces and medical personnel quickly arrived at the scene. The building’s collapse forced them to clear debris in search of those trapped beneath. The large number of emergency vehicles at the scene led to the accidental death of a motorcyclist, who was hit by a military vehicle.[6]

Firefighters eventually removed the debris and began removing the bodies of those killed in the attack, which included 3-year-old twins and girls of 6 and 7 years old. In addition, there were 88 injured, some of whom needed to have limbs amputated.[1] The rescue effort continued through the night and at 13:45 the following day the last bodies, those of Angel Alcaraz and Maria Dolores Franco, wife of a policeman, were pulled from the rubble.[8]

Government spokesman Javier Solana was the first Minister to speak to the Press following the attack:

I want to express feelings of regret, sorrow and solidarity to the families of the victims, the wounded and in general all the Guardia Civil ... it is extremely serious and especially disgusting that the attack has caused casualties among children, which again highlights the moral character of its authors and their supporters ... On behalf of the Government I can say that there are no contacts with murderers ... the importance of the anti-terrorist agreement of all political formations has not changed. And today the anti-terrorist Pact is more important than ever before.”[8]


The funerals of the 11 victims took place on 12 December 1987 in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza. The funerals were attended by the President of Aragon, Hipólito Gómez de las Roces, and the Ministers for Defense and the Interior, Narcís Serra and José Barrionuevo, respectively.[9] Subsequently the dead were returned to their places of origin.

During the funeral, there were scenes of tension in the congregation with some fainting. Although no journalists entered the Basilica, photos of the coffins of the three year old twins appeared on the front pages of most national newspapers the following day, leading to strong anti-ETA sentiment.[1]

On Sunday, 13 December, the largest demonstration in the history of Zaragoza took place with 250,000 people protesting in the streets, proceeded by a large banner with the words “Zaragoza for peace and against terrorism” (Spanish: “Zaragoza por la paz y contra el terrorismo.”)[10]


Responsibility was placed on the Comando Argala who were also blamed for another 21 attacks which had killed a total of 38 people.[11] The Commando Unit was believed to be an itinerant unit composed of French citizens who committed attacks in Spain before fleeing across the border to France where the Spanish police force were unable to operate.[12] The Unit had been formed in 1978 and was finally disbanded in 1990.

Organisation of the attack

ETA at that time was led by a collective called Artapalo composed of Francisco Mujika Garmendia (Pakito), José María Arregi Erostarbe (Fitipaldi) and José Antonio Urruticoechea Bengoechea (Josu Ternera).[13]

At the subsequent trial, it was revealed that the direct order to execute the Zaragoza attack had come from the leadership and had been communicated by Josu Ternera. The explosives expert Fitipaldi’’ was responsible for assembling the device and delivering it to the bombers. Pakito monitored and produced a sketch of the barracks, giving the direct order to attack it. Four French nationals were responsible for executing the attack: Henri Parot, his brother Jean Parot, Jacques Esnal and Frederic Haramboure.[13]

The four traveled from the French Basque country to Zaragoza, where two vehicles were moved to the vicinity of the barracks. The first, a Renault 18 had been stolen in Toulouse. A bomb consisting of about 250 kg of amonal divided into three steel cylinders was placed in this vehicle. Henri Parot parked the vehicle beside the entrance to the barracks while Esnal activated the mechanism that triggered the explosion in one minute and fifteen seconds, just long enough to enter and escape in the Peugeot 205 in which his two accomplices were waiting nearby.[7]


Josu Ternera was arrested in Bayonne in January 1989. Henri Parot was arrested in Seville on 2 April 1990 in a car packed with explosives for a planned attack on the police headquarters in the city. The arrest revealed the location of Jean Parot, Haramboure and Esnal, who were immediately arrested by French police in Bayonne.[14]

Cooperation between the French and Spanish police resulted in the capture on 29 March 1992 of the Artapalo leadership of ETA in Bidart in the French Basque Country. Those arrested included Francisco Múgica Garmendia Pakito; José Luis Álvarez Santacristina, Txelis'’; and José María Arregi Erostarbe, Fitipaldi.[15]

Trials and sentences

After the arrest of those who masterminded and executed the attack Zaragoza, the following sentences were imposed:

In January 2000, after he had spent three years in prison awaiting trial, the Spanish Supreme Court ordered his release after finding that his crimes had already been tried in France.[16] The Prosecutor and the Association of Victims of Terrorism appealed the decision and Ternera was again charged with planning and organising the attack. However he failed to appear in court and an international arrest warrant was issued, with his current whereabouts still unknown.[17]


Since 1987 a memorial ceremony has been held every year in Zaragoza.[21] A memorial garden, the “Park of hope” (Spanish: Parque de la Esperanza,) was built at the location of the former barracks. It contains the sculptures of children playing, representing the younger victims of the bombing.[4]

On 11 December 2007, to mark the 20th anniversary of the attack, a wreath laying ceremony took place at the park, which was attended by Pascual Grasa, who was on guard at the entrance during the bombing, and seriously injured in it. Grasa delivered a speech to the audience in memory of the deceased.[22]

During the 2009 commemoration, Juan Alberto Belloch, Mayor of Zaragoza, unveiled a memorial stone containing the names of the 11 victims. [23] The ceremony was also attended by witnesses and victims of the event.


  1. ^ a b c El País: Zaragoza: cinco ataúdes blancos 2 August 2009 accessed 22 June 2011
  2. ^ Diario de León: Condenan a los etarras que cometieron el atentado de Hipercor a 790 años. 26 July 2003 accessed 22 June 2011
  3. ^ El Periódico de Aragón: ´Santi Potros´ y Caride culpan a otros de las muertes de Hipercor. 1 July 2003 accessed 22 June 2011
  4. ^ a b El Periódico de Aragón: El atentado de la casa cuartel cumple 15 años, con su instigador en libertad. 11 December 2002 accessed 22 June 2011
  5. ^ "Pacto de Madrid (05.11.1987). Acuerdo de Madrid sobre Terrorismo. Congreso de los Diputados 05-11-87" (in Spanish). Ministerio del Interior. Gobierno de España. 5 November 1987. http://www.admin.mir.es/eu/DGRIS/Documentos_Informativos/Documentos_informativos/DocInf04.htm. Retrieved 22 June 2011. 
  6. ^ a b c El País: Un 'comando relámpago' de ETA mata en Zaragoza a 5 niñas y 6 adultos en un atentado contra la Guardia Civil. 12 December 1987
  7. ^ a b El Comercio Digital: Un atentado al 'estilo Parot', como la matanza del cuartel de Zaragoza. 25 August 2007 accessed 22 June 2011
  8. ^ a b La Vanguardia. 12 December 1987, p13.
  9. ^ El Periódico de Aragón: Las falsedades de Alcaraz. 3 July 2005 accessed 22 June 2011
  10. ^ La Vanguardia. 14 December 1987, p5.
  11. ^ El Mundo: El dirigente etarra «Azkoiti», condenado en rebeldía a cadena perpetua en Francia. 18 November 1998 accessed 22 June 2011
  12. ^ Diario Sur: Comandos con doble vida 13 January 2008 accessed 22 June 2011
  13. ^ a b ABC: Cuando la bestia etarra se hizo aún más brutal 9 December 2007
  14. ^ El País: Ocho franceses formaron parte sucesivamente del comando itinerante de ETA. 7 April 1990
  15. ^ El Mundo: Detenido en Bidart 'Iñaki de Renteria , considerado el «número uno» de ETA. 16 September 2000
  16. ^ El País: El Supremo excarcela al exjefe de ETA Josu Ternera por considerarle juzgado en Francia. 15 January 2000
  17. ^ ABC: El Supremo acuerda la detención internacional de «Josu Ternera» tras comprobar que ha huido. 13 November 2002
  18. ^ a b El Mundo: 'Pakito' y 'Fitipaldi', condenados a 2.354 años por el atentado contra la casa cuartel de Zaragoza. 2 June 2003
  19. ^ El Mundo: El etarra más sanguinario. 20 February 2006
  20. ^ El Mundo: Sentencia de cadena perpetua para tres franceses del «comando itinerante». 20 June 1997
  21. ^ El Economista: La AVT rinde un homenaje a las víctimas del atentado perpetrado por ETA en Zaragoza contra la casa cuartel en 1987. 11 December 2008 accessed 22 June 2011
  22. ^ Terra Noticias: Ofrenda floral recuerda once personas murieron atentado casa cuartel Zaragoza. 11 December 2007 accessed 22 June 2011
  23. ^ La Razón Un monolito recuerda desde hoy a las 11 víctimas de la casa cuartel de Zaragoza, La Razon, 12 December 2009